Tuesday 28 July 2015

Veteran Rapper Six Foot Plus Plans Huge Come Back & Collaborations

News reaching us is that Veteran rapper Six Foot Plus aka Mr Swagnificient who has been working on his return after a long period away from the scene has been making massive plans for a successful comeback which includes getting an entire new team and massive collaboration with some of the fellow top artistes .

From the look of things and recent conversations on Twitter between pop singer ‘Eddinz Bani’ and the legendary Six Foot Plus who was the Leader of the defunct popular music group “SWAT ROOT” , Eddinz Bani might also just be a part of this return and if this is truly the case, it might just be another major score for the 'Home Alone' crooner after his recent Collaboration with Afro beat star Oritse Femi .

A collaboration by both artiste won't be a surprise as Six Foot Plus has always shown his readiness to contribute
positively to the Nigerian music scene with more great tunes and Eddinz Bani has that desirable tune and style.
All Fingers will be crossed and expecting to see how successful this come back by the legendary Six foot plus will be .

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